All technical terms of Diablo II

1, ACC = account name account name

2.AMU = AMMY = amulet necklace?

3. Enlarged damage (nec skill) damage deepened.

4.AR = attack level hit rate?

5.AS = attack speed?

6, ATT = attack damage (physical) damage value (say yes = attack level)

7.BH = blessedheammer (palskill) hammer of blessing (chicken leg)?。

9.BO = battle sequence (bar skill) battle system

10, BS = bone spirit (nec skill) bone soul?

1 1, BW = bone wall (nec skill) bone wall?

12, CB = charged bolt (sor skill) charged bomb.

13, CE = additional ice damage caused by cold enchantment?

14, CHAR = persona?

15, CM = cold master (sor skill) finishing ice system.

16, CON = concentration (pal skill) concentration?

17, CR = ice resistance and cold resistance.

18, CS = chaos refuge (act4) chaos refuge?

19, DEC = DEC ipify(nec skill) aging?

20, DEF = armor class defense _ evasion rate.

2 1, DEX = agile?

22.DF = dragon flying (asn skill) is the dragon in the sky?

23, DMG = damage value

24. Replica?

25.DUR = durability?

26, ED = enhanced damage enhanced damage.

27.ENG=energy energy?

28, ES = energy shield (sor skill) energy shield?

29.EQ = equipment