The first one is Feng, who is a well-behaved and capable official. Get the appreciation of the emperor. However, because of his special status, he was the younger brother of the emperor's concubine, so he was not entrusted with the important task. It was once said that the emperor dismissed him because his name contained the word "king".
The second is Wang Luobin, although his family is poor. But if you study hard, you can write Singing Goose at an early age. Together with Yang Jiong, Lu, they were called the four outstanding figures in the early Tang Dynasty, experienced the rise and fall of the prosperous Tang Dynasty and made many outstanding contributions.
The third is Gu, whose real name is not Gu, but Gu Tielun. But because of his admiration for Feng, he changed his name to Gu. Gu Yisheng made many outstanding contributions.
Although there are three people with "Wang" in their names in history. However, when choosing a name, most people will avoid suspicion and try not to take a name with "Wang", otherwise it will be easy for the emperor to misunderstand that he will rebel and be disloyal to the emperor. Although the word "Wang" is still very common as a surname, it is not very pleasant as a first name, and it can easily lead to death as a first name, so this is another reason why the word "Wang" is not used as a first name.