The meaning of the name ronronner for girls

ronronner means (cat) to purr; to purr, to rumble, which is a French word.

French is the language of the French nation. Belongs to the Romance language family of the Indo-European language family. Mainly distributed in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and other places, it is one of the international common languages. French is one of the independent Romance languages ??with the largest number of speakers after Spanish.

French text is a phonetic text. The text is composed of phonetic letters. The composition of the letters is related to the pronunciation. According to different letter combinations, the pronunciation of the text can be directly read. This is obviously different from the Chinese character system. The French are of Gaulish descent.

French is recognized as one of the most beautiful languages ??in the world. Its most prominent feature is that it is beautiful, clear, accurate and vivid. From a linguistic point of view, French is mainly an analytical language, but it also has the specialty of a comprehensive language, integrating the rigor of Latin and the delicacy of Greek, forming a unique French style.