1. One-armed courier brother's experience in sending and receiving express delivery Wang is from Luoyang, Henan. Through the understanding of Wang Yisheng, we can know that this is a person who is intertwined with love and pain. Wang's life is unfortunate. Many years ago, Wang suffered misfortune because of an accident, and his left arm was deprived of life. Wang is the pillar of the family, and it is a problem to support the family after physical disability. In the early stage, I could only rely on odd jobs to receive government pensions, but this kind of life is really difficult.
Wang never gave up his work and life. When online shopping became a trend, Wang gave birth to another life. Because Wang found that almost everyone in the village could take the courier, he opened a courier station himself. The Wangs were busy at the beginning of the station, because there was no extra money to hire employees, so basically all the work of the station was done by the Wangs. Sending and receiving express delivery is a very busy job. Sometimes I have to make thousands of phone calls a day, and I have been rushing on the way to send and receive express delivery rain or shine, but these kings are all accompanied by their wives.
2. From the one-armed courier brother, I realized the enthusiasm of life. Wang is a man full of enthusiasm for life. In order to work rain or shine, one arm can hold up a sky, which is a symbol of positive energy in life. Life is sometimes full of hardships and pains, as if it were a ruthless killer, killing the hope of life, but it is hard for life to live up to its positive existence.