Looking for three-letter fish names, the more the better·

Oriental sword, parrot fish, ruby, sapphire, guppy fish.

Parrot fish, also known as parrot fish, parrot fish, scientific name is Roselle cervical fin fish, a genus of Wrasses family, commonly known as parrot fish, parrot fish, red wedge sea bream, etc., is a species that lives in Tropical fish in coral reef. It is so named because of its bright colors and beak shape that resembles that of a parrot. There is also a freshwater ornamental fish bred from the cross between the American cichlid male red manta ray and the purple red fire mouth. It is also called the blood parrot because of its bright red body color.

It is famous for its brilliant colors like parrots, with different body colors. There are great differences between males and females of the same species, and there are also great differences between adult fish and larval fish. The main parrotfish in the Indo-Pacific is the banded parrotfish (Calyodonfasciatus), which is 46 centimeters (18 inches) long. Male fish are green-orange or green-red, and females are blue and yellow.

The Atlantic species include the queen parrotfish (Scarusvetula), which is about 50 centimeters (50 inches) long. The male is blue with green, red and orange colors, while the female is reddish or purple. , with a white stripe. Parrot fish can reach 1.2 meters (4 feet) in length and weigh up to 20 kilograms (45 pounds).