What did Robinson Crusoe plant on the desert island in order to survive?

He planted barley and rice, tamed wild goats, and rescued a wild man and named him "Friday".

During Robinson's fourth voyage, the ship encountered a storm and ran aground on the rocks. All the sailors and passengers on the ship were killed. Only Robinson survived and drifted to an uninhabited island alone. He made a raft from the mast of the sunken ship, transported the food, clothes, guns and ammunition, tools, etc. on the ship to the shore again and again, and set up a tent on the edge of the hill to settle down. Then he used sharpened wooden stakes to build a fence around the tent and dug a hole behind the tent to live. He used simple tools to make tables, chairs and other furniture, hunted game for food, drank fresh water from the stream, and overcame the initial difficulties he encountered.

He began to grow barley and rice on the island, made his own wooden mortars, pestles, and sieves, processed flour, and baked rough bread. He captured, tamed, and bred wild goats. He also made pottery and so on to meet his daily needs. A "country house" and a breeding farm were also built on the other end of the desert island.

Until the 24th year, another group of savages came to the island, bringing prisoners who were ready to kill and eat. After Robinson discovered it, he rescued one of them. Because that day was Friday, Robinson named the rescued savage "Friday". Since then, "Friday" has become Robinson's loyal servant and friend. (Information reference web link)