Xiao Hu was born in, whose real name should be Zi Shan, dominating the mountains and forests, with both wisdom and courage, long life and rich family; There are jade words, handsome talents, and many talents are clever; There are gold characters, wood characters, clothes characters and wood characters, which are gentle and virtuous, fame and fortune, and the environment is good; There are three words "moon", "dog" and "horse", which are clear in righteousness and benefit, honest and self-denial, and helpful; There are Japanese characters and fire characters, and sex is just decisive, and childhood is not smooth or worrying; There are Tian Zi, spoken language and children's language, which is not good for families, and late marriage and late childbirth;
There are ten thousand characters, stone, knife, strength, blood, bow, father and foot, which are not smooth. Don't be afraid of water or strangers. Xiao Hu was born in the Year of the Monkey, the Year of the Pig and year of the snake. The Year of the Horse and the Year of the Dog were smooth and successful.
Yu Bao sen sen Jin sen zi Yu Zi Lin Wei ao lei
Rong Xuan (Xuan: extraordinary) Hao Yu (mind is like the universe, boundless) Jin: gold leaf, original meaning, Jin: metaphor for promising (from the idiom-holding Jin Huaiyu, metaphor for good moral character) Hao Tian Si Cong Xiao Yu Qing Zhiqiang dazzling cedar source, wise and wise.
Painting by Yan Bin Yue Bin Yelin and Yu Wei Ran Cang Yu Cang.
Xiaoxiao Tianyu Haoran Wenxuan Ocean Lu Jia Zhen Le Ju Xiao Bo Wenbo Yan Hao Guo Li Jin Xin Jin Cheng Jia Xi Pengfei Mozi Philip Burkart Hao Xuan Yu Tang Simple
Canghaisu Suxing Fangying County
Xue Mei Mei Feng Mei Hua Yu Zi Meng Ze Meng Si Qiu Yun
Mengyun Yu Meng Hua Meng Mugetu Qiuxing Qiuying Qiuyue Qiulu Qiuyang
Smart and elegant: how elegant a woman walks. Yue: Relaxed and happy. Clouds: bright and bright.
Shu Sheng Shu Cai in Puxin Xinglin Forest, Park Bom City, Park Sung
Yan' an (elegant, homophonic; Nan just has a nice name.
Song Yue, Song Xue, Song Lin, Prynne, Si Liu, Linlink, Linzi, Lin Xiu, Jingshuxin.
Jing: The representative of ancient kings is (poetic; Mei Xuanxuan: A kind of snow geese (geese flying in the snow)
Mulan, Mu Xin, Mu Sen, mignonette, kapok, Manglietia, Radix Aucklandiae and Indigoferae.
Sen Li Xiusen Chu Jie Chu Huai Chu Feng Chu Tian Chu Yun Yu Ying Rong Hai
Chang 'e (more beautiful than The Story Of Diu Sim, gentler than moonlight) Chang 'e (like Chang 'e, she has peerless beauty.
Ai Zhi Ai Yun Yi Li Sandipeng Furong Radish
Tanya (Tanya: botany: routine) Zoe (Zoe: flying)
Knowing it, Lan Zhi Lu Ying Xuehua Fenfen flies to Fang Fei.
Fang Fanghua Fang Xinze Cao Fangxin.