What game does Aries most want to play?

Aries: Follow the whim and do not follow the rules.

Aries people usually have a big and easy-going attitude, informal and a bit casual at the same time. When the mood arises, the cards are not played according to the rules. They can get things done, but they can't stand playing by the rules. Their principle is - tell me what to do, but don't tell me how to do it! Basically, the advantage of Aries is that they move quickly and impetuously. If they are forced to slow down to take care of other trivial matters, it will be equal to their vitality. Instead of letting them write reports and fill out forms in pain, it is better for other earth signs to help them share these daily administrative tasks, which is more efficient and more suitable.

The game you most want to play: "Dynasty Warriors" series

Trivial matters such as morning exercises, mental training, keeping the environment tidy, and filing documents can greatly increase the Aries Zodiac sign by three levels. The slow pace of the game will not satisfy Aries. Therefore, only fast-paced games like "Dynasty Warriors" that are almost pure fighting can stay in front of Aries for a while. The "Dynasty Warriors" series has a fast pace, gorgeous moves, and endless combos. Aries will definitely like this game.