I was with Wang when my surname was Wang.
Whether two people are suitable for being together depends on their temper. We say it is difficult for people surnamed Wang and people surnamed Wang to be together. It is difficult for two people's temperament to attract each other. In fact, wang xing and wang xing are hard to attract, because they are hard to attract each other. If they don't want to be together, they won't be further attracted to each other. If they don't want to be together, it is easy to quarrel, and it is difficult to get a happy husband and wife life.
We were together when my surname was Xu.
Also consider whether the gas field of two people is suitable for each other. To a certain extent, people named Shi and Xu are out of step. Shi and Xu are two diametrically opposite surnames. Their aura is so bad that they will argue as soon as they meet. If they live together, they will also hate each other. It is difficult for the relationship to develop steadily for a long time. This is a very bad situation, and both people's feelings will be seriously hurt.
I was with my surname Liao when my surname was last.
We say that the pairing of two surnames is closely related to the five elements, and the person named Liao is very inappropriate, because two people belong to the relationship of soil and water respectively. The fortunes of the two people are also different. The main reason is that surnames at that time were more inclined to develop their status and reputation, of which money was secondary. People surnamed Liao value money more, but status and prestige are less important, and may even feel a burden. The values of two people are seriously inconsistent, which leads to great ambiguity in family decision-making.
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