How to choose a Weibo name that implies your own name. How to choose a Weibo name that implies your own name.

How to choose a Weibo name that implies your own name:

1. Use your last name to abbreviate the nickname. For example, your real name is "Wang Xiaoming", then you can add before the Weibo nickname The three English letters "WXM".

2. Insert a word in the name. For example, if the real name is "Wang Xiaoming", then the Weibo nickname can be "Obviously I miss you", etc.

3. Use the homophony of the name to choose a nickname. For example, if the real name is "Song Ni", then the Weibo nickname can be "Send You a Little Star", etc.

4. Use the method of splitting characters. This method is also often used by writers to create pen names. For example, Cao Yu's real name is Wan Jiabao, Lao She's real name is Shu Qingchun, etc.