Originally known as Wang, this brother was originally a rustic name. Later, when he made money in business, he felt that since he became a rich man, he could no longer call him such an old-fashioned name. He called three gentlemen and asked him to give him a better name, so the fortune teller named him Wang Yuanbao, which means that his future life is getting more and more prosperous and future generations can enjoy it.
Brother Wang Yuanbao is fierce, too. He was a little afraid of the heat, so he got someone to make a fan. This fan is really amazing. When the weather is hot, you just need to sprinkle some water on it, and it will fan you like an electric fan. At that time, after hearing about it, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty made great efforts to get this fan.
When Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty learned that Wang Yuanbao was so rich, he recruited him to the palace and asked him, You said you were rich, so how rich are you? At this moment, Wang Yuanbao replied: If you order me to hang a silk cloth on every tree in Nanshan, then all the trees in Nanshan are built by me, and my money has not been used up. We can imagine that the price of a piece of silk cloth is 5,000 yuan, which means that 5,000 yuan is hung on a tree. After hanging all the trees in Nanshan, his money has not been used up. This shows how rich he really is, but personally, he still needs reference, but I have to say that he is still a very rich man.
However, he is also a better person. When he got rich, he stopped preaching arrogance. Instead, he often helps the poor, seeks benefits for them, and spends money to eliminate disasters for them when they encounter disasters. Therefore, although he is rich, he is also a good man.