Easter egg 1: Maisai Club
Collapse Easter egg 1: Maisai Club easter egg 2: Classic pan easter egg 3: Little kid's car easter egg 4: Jurassic Park easter egg 5 : "Take Me" Easter Egg 6: Sexy Journey Easter Egg 7: Cow Gun Easter Egg 8: Cemetery on the Mountain Easter Egg 9: Moon Landing Plan
1. Maisai Club
Maisa The club is a classic location in Just Cause 2.
However, it also appears in Just Cause 4.
The Maisai Club is on a mountain. And the environment and decoration seem to have a greater taste upgrade than the 2nd generation.
The club has sky golf, bartenders, and a disco.
You can even find the weird dancer in the second generation, but this time he is wearing a purple dress.