StarCraft! Enthusiasts come in!



"You want a piece of me, boy?"

We gotta move!

Are you gonna give me orders?

Oh my god! He's whacked!

I vote we frag this commander.

How do I get out of this chicken *BEEP* outfit?! - Communications Technician Private W. Hudson, Aliens

You want a piece of me, boy?

If it weren't for these damned neural implants you'd be a smoldering crater by now!

Ahh...That's the stuff!



Standin' by.

Checked up and good to go.

Give me something to shoot.


Let's move!


Rock 'n roll!


Need a light?

Is something burning?

Haha, that's what I thought.

I love the smell of napalm. - Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore, Apocalypse Now

Nothing like a good smoke!

Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue?

Got any questions about propane? - Hank Hill, King of the Hill

Or, propane accessories? - Hank Hill, King of the Hill

Fire it up!


You got my attention.

Wanna turn up the heat?



You've got it.

Let's burn.


Somebody called for an exterminator?

You called down the thunder.

Now reap the whirlwind.

Keep it up! I dare ya.

I'm about to overload my ag

regression inhibitors.

Ghost reporting.

I'm here.


Call the shot.

I hear that.

I'm gone.

Never know what hit em.

I'm all over it.


All right, bring it on!

Something you wanted?

I don't have time to f*BEEP* around!


You keep pushing it boy.

And I'll scrap you along with the aliens!

What do YOU ??want?


I read ya, SIR.

Somethin' on your mind?

Yeah, I'm going.

I dig.

No problem!

Oh, is that it?


Goliath online.

MilSpec ED -209 online. - ED-209, Robocop

Checklist protocol initiated.

Primary ? level one diagnostic...

USDA Selected.

FDIC approved.

Checklist Completed. SOB.

Go ahead tac-com.

Com-link online.

Channel open.

Systems functional.

Acknowledged HQ.

Nav-com locked.


Target designated.

Siege Tank

Ready to roll out!

*Singing the tune of "Ride of the Valkyries"*

I'm about to drop the hammer!

And dispense some indiscriminate justice!

What is your major malfunction? - Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, Full Metal Jacket

Yes sir!


Identify target!

Orders sir!

Move it!


Delighted to, sir!



SCV, good to go,


I can't build it, something's in the way.

I can't build there.

Come again, Captain?

I'm not readin' you clearly.

You ain't from around here, are you?

I can't believe they put me in one of these things!

And now I gotta put up with this too?

I told em I was claustrophobic, I gotta get outta here!

I'm locked in here tighter than a frog's butt in a watermelon seed fight.


Can I take your order?

When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful .

In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation device.

To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you.

Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a full and complete stop.

Go ahead, HQ.

I'm listenin'.


Input coordinates.

In the pipe, five by five. - Drop Ship Pilot Corporal C. Ferro, Aliens

Hang on, we' re in for some chop. - Drop Ship Pilot Corporal C. Ferro, Aliens

In transit, HQ.

Buckle up!

Strap yourselves in boys!

I copy that.


Wraith awaiting launch orders.

Last transmission breakin' up...come back.. .

I'm just curious...why am I so good? - Comedian Ken Dodd

I gotta get me one of these. - Steven "Eagle" Hiller, Independence Day

You know who the best starfighter in the fleet is?


p>Yours truly.

Everybody gotta die sometime, Red. - Staff Sergeant Bob Barnes, Platoon

I am the invincible, that's right.

Go ahead commander.

Transmit coordinates.

Standin' by. - Drop Ship Pilot Corporal C. Ferro, Aliens

Reporting in.

Coordinates received.

Attack formation.


Vector locked-in.


Battlecruiser operational.

Identify yourself!

Shields up! Weapons online!

Not equipped with shields? well then buckle up!

We are getting WAY behind schedule.

I really have to go...number one. - Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Battlecruiser reporting.

Receiving transmission.

Good day, commander.

Hailing frequencies open. - Commander Nyota Uhura, Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Make it happen. - Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Set a course.

Take it slow.

Engage! - Jean-Luc Picard , Star Trek: The Next Generation

Science Vessel

Explorer reporting.

I like the cut of your jib! - Mr. Burns, The Simpsons [1F04 ]

E=MC...d'oh let me get my notepad.

Ah, fusion, eh? I'll have to remember that.

Eck, who set all these lab monkeys free?

I think we may have a gas leak!

Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernal contraption?


Ah...the ship.... out

of danger? - Spock, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Ah, greetings command!

Transmit orders.

Receiving headquarters!

We have you on visual.

Let's roll!

Excellent! - Mr. Burns, The Simpsons


Affirmative, sir.


Prepped and ready!

I've already checked you out commander.

You want another physical?

Turn your head an cough.

Ready for your sponge bath?

His EKG is flatlining! Get me a defib stat!

- EKG: electrocardiogram/electrocardiograph

- defib: an electronic device that applies an electric shock to restore the rhythm of a fibrillating heart

Clear! *bzzz*

He's dead, Jim. - Cmdr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, M.D., Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Need medical attention?

Did someone page me ?

State the nature of your medical emergency! - Emergency Medical Hologram v1.0, Star Trek: Voyager

Where does it hurt?

Right away!


I'm on the job!

On my way.


Valkyrie prepared.

This is very interesting...but stupid. - Arte Johnson, Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In

I have ways of blowing things up.

You're being very naughty.

Who's your mommy?

Blucher! - Frau Blucher, Young Frankenstein

[horses neighing] - Young Frankensten


Need something destroyed?

I am eager to


Don't keep me waiting.

Achtung! - German for "Attention!"

Of course my dear.


It's showtime!

Jawoll! - German for "Alright!"

Achtung! - German for "Attention!"


Hey, how'd I get here?

I wanna be all I can be! - USA Army slogan

I tell you what. I think I'll join up!

I'm a little claustrophobic though.

Hope they don't put me in any tight spaces.

Ah , what the hell. I need that college money.

Hey there.

How ya'll doing?

What's up?


I'm goin'.

No sweat.


All right.

Sure thing.


Not enough minerals.

Insufficient vespene gas.

Additional supply depots required.

Landing sequence interrupted.

Inacceptable landing zone.

Not enough energy.

Base is under attack.

Your forces are under attack.

Research complete.

Add-on complete.

Nuclear launch detected.

Abandoning auxilorary structure.

Upgrade complete.

Nuclear missile ready.

----------------------- -------------



My life for Aiur!

En Taro Adun!

All for the Empire!

Doom to all who threaten the homeworld.

What now calls?

[Issah' Tu!]

I long for combat!



Thus I serve!


Honor guide me!

For Adun!


I have returned.

Unauthorized transmission.

Incorrect protocol.

*beep beep* Drop your weapon. You have 15 seconds to comply. - ED-209, Robocop

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 *phase shot*


Awaiting instructions.


Input command.



Make use of me.

I am needed.






[Nagat' soon]

For vengeance.

High Templar

Khassar de Templari.

Your thoughts betray you. - Darth Vader, Star Wars : Return of the Jedi

I see you have an appetite for destruction.- Reference to Guns N Roses album

And you learn to use your illusion.- Reference to Guns N Roses album

But I find your lack of control disturbing.- Darth Vader, Star Wars: A New Hope

Your thoughts?


I heed thy call.

State thy bidding.

You think as I do.

It shall be done.

My path is set.



The merging is complete!

It all looks so different on this side.- Reference to The Doors' song "Break On Through"

Break on through!- Reference to The Doors' song "Break On Through"

It's beautiful!- Ellie Arroway, Contact

They should have sent a poet.- Ellie Arroway, Contact


e burn!

We need focus!


Power overwhelming.






Teleport successful.

Signal unstable.

Psionic Link dissipating.

Adjusting neural transmission.



Awaiting command.

Standing by.


Cho'gal- Reference to Cho'gal, Warcraft II




It will be done.



Warp field stabilized.

We sense a soul in search of answers. - Adria, Diablo

Do you seek knowledge of time travel?

We'll take that as a yes.

And now for your first lesson. Hahaha.

*rapid backwards talking* Do you seek knowledge of time travel?

We feel your presence.

Duras.- Klingon, Star Trek

[Gun Adun]

We are vigilant.

[In Khast'meen]


Gowron.- Klingon, Star Trek


Carrier has arrived!

Our enemies are legion!

And still you procrastinate!?

Command, or you will be relieved!

This is not an idle threat!


Your command?








I sense a soul in search of answers. - Adria, Diablo

It sounds like...a h

uge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated mushroom!- Griswold, Diablo

One small step for man, one giant...[static]...STOP POKING ME!- Orc, Warcraft

*a short clip from the hidden track in Warcraft II*

Warcraft Zwei, jetzt als exklusivedition mit dem expansion set, four boostern und zauberlehrbuch

Dark Templar

Adun Toridas!

Your taunts are inadvised, Templar.

Do not provoke me to violence.

You can no more evade my wrath...

...Than you could your own shadow.


Zerashk gulida!

I'm waiting.


Neraz Gulio.

For Aiur.


So be it.

Very well.


It is a good day to die! - Klingon, Star Trek

Look at all the pretty lights!

I wonder what this button does.

*sirens* I think this was a BIG mistake.

Zefram Cochrane, is that you? - Reference to Doctor Zefram Cochrane, Star Trek

What did you do to your hair?

Ready for battle!

May I be of service?

I stand ready.

Let us attack.


Adun Toridas!

Ah, at last!

I thought you' d see it my way.

Dark Archon

We are as one!

Must consume.

Or oblivion will take us.

Adun, save me.

Darkness overpowering!

Must have energy!

We hear you.

Thoughts in chaos!

Must feed!

We'll go.

Oblivion awaits!

We move!


You've not enough minerals.

You require more vespene gas.

You must construct additional pylons.

Not enough energy.

We are under attack!

Your warriors have engaged the enemy.

Research complete.

Nuclear launch detected.

Upgrade complete.


Infested Terran

Live for the Swarm!

I am wretched.

But I am strong!

I am the future.

I am Zerg !

Ready to kill!

Prepared to die!

Let me serve!

Sacrifice me!




For the Overmind!


We require more minerals.

We require more vespene gas.

Spawn more overlords.

Not enough energy.

The hive cluster is under attack .

Our forces are under attack.

Evolution complete.

Nuclear launch detected.

Heros heroes and others


Explain this odd behavior.

Stop poking me!

What do I look like, an Orc?

This is not Warcraft in space!

It's much more sophisticated!

I KNOW it's not 3D!

I am ready.

Direct my wrath.

Yes, Executor.

State your will.

For Aiur.

Consider it done.


I concur.

Fenix ??[Zealot]

I fear no enemy!

For the Khala is my strength!

I fear not death.

For our strength is eternal!



Your command?

What do you ask of me?

I hunger for battle.

For Aiur.


[Nach nagala]

As you will!

Fenix ??[Dragoon]

I fear no enemy.

For Khala is my strength!

I fear not death.

For our strength is eternal.

Executor ?

Your command?

What do you ask of me?

I hunger for battle!

For Aiur.


[Nach nagala]

As you will.


Speak quickly, Executor.


I don't have time for games.

I was Executor long before you.

So do not try my patience.

Yes , Executor?

I hear you.

How may I help?

Your will?

Of course.

It shall be done.

For Adun.

Terra Khala.


Speak quickly, Executor.


I don't have time for games.

I was Executor long before you.

So do not try my patience.

Yes , Executor?

I hear you.

How may I help?

Your will?

Of course.

It shall be done.

For Adun.

Terra Khala


You have persecuted us for generations.

And now you beg us to aid you?

We will do what we must.

But we do it for Aiur, not you.


You address me?

Your orders, Templar?

[Khas Naradak!]

I do this for Aiur.

So be it.

It will be done.


ro Adun.

Norad II

Been a general for fifteen years.

Now I'm taking over this frill of...

This Korhal outfit's a mess.

Ya'll need some good old fashion discipline.

That's what you need.



I haven't got all day.

Make up your mind.

'Bout time.

Decisive action.

ShouAlright then.

Edmund Duke [Siege Tank]

Been a general for fifteen years.

Now I' m taking over this frill of...

This Korhal outfit's a mess.

Ya'll need some good old-fashioned discipline.

That's what you need.



I haven't got all day.

Make up your mind.

'Bout time.

Decisive action.

Should work.

Alright then.

Kerrigan [Ghost]

Easily amused, huh?

Doesn't take a telepath to know what you're thinking.

You get off on annoying people, don't you ?

You may have time to play games.

But I've got a job to do.

Lieutenant Kerrigan reporting.

What now?

I'm waitin' on you!

I'm ready.

I gotcha.

Thinkin' the same thing.

It'd be a pleasure.

I read ya.

Kerrigan [Infested]

You begin to annoy me, Cerebrate.

But DON'T think that I need you.

Should you become a nuisance.

I'll kill you myself.



What is it now?

I'm listeni



A bold move.

On my way.


Raynor [Marine]

Hey! Quit it!

What's your problem man?

Look commander, do you mind?

I knew I should've stayed in bed this morning.

Raynor here.

This is Jimmy.

Anytime you're ready.

Go ahead commander.

Sounds fun.

Right on.

This should be good.

Oh yea.


Raynor [Vulture]

Hey! Quit it!

What's your problem, man?

Look commander, do you mind?

I knew I should've stayed in bed this morning.

Raynor here.

This is Jimmy.

Anytime you're ready .

Go ahead commander.

Sounds fun.

Right on.

This should be good.

Oh yea.

Samir Duran [Infested]

Is there a problem?

I like your style, friend.

But I think you're getting a little too familiar.

I don't believe we've met.

I am Duran. Who are you?

I told you my name. It's Duran, DURAN!

What's so funny?

Please, please! Tell me now.

Is there something I should know ?

How can I be of service?

What do you need?

I'm here.



I'll take care of it.

You got it!

Right away.

Of course.

I also want the voice file, but unfortunately I can’t find it