A cup is a cup, a bowl is a bowl

Cups and bowls were originally made of clay. However, once the clay becomes a cup and a bowl, the cup and the bowl are separated. Laozi said: Nothing is called the beginning of heaven and earth; Being is called the mother of all things. Clay is nothing; cups and bowls are existence.

With a name, an object has a unique personality. A cup cannot be used as a bowl, and a bowl cannot be used as a cup. If these two things can be used interchangeably, then the cup or bowl has no value. Even a noodle bowl cannot be used as a soup bowl, and a soup bowl cannot be used as a noodle bowl. Otherwise, why would there be a separate name?

Actually, people are like this too.

Everyone has their own name, so everyone is different.

When we are born, everyone is a piece of clay, a nothing. But from the moment your parents name you, you are no longer a nothing, but a something. Each name contains a certain meaning and the expectations of your parents and elders for you. Therefore, they will also provide you with various living conditions intentionally or unintentionally.

Some parents feel that their children will grow up sooner or later and understand everything when they grow up. As if to say, a piece of clay can turn itself into a cup or bowl.

Some parents feel that their children are the continuation of their lives, and their children should help them achieve their dreams that they have not achieved. So while they give up on themselves, they desperately knead the piece of clay in their hands. It seems that as long as you squeeze it hard, the clay will definitely turn into a bowl or cup.

Some parents throw the clay on their hands into Taishang Laojun’s alchemy furnace for calcination. Some parents put the clay in the greenhouse and water it every day for fear that it will dry out...

There are all kinds of methods.

However, no parent is willing to pick up a book like "Ceramic Production Process" and study it seriously. It seems that they are born to be masters of making ceramics.

One day, the piece of clay on your parents’ hands will turn into something. Or a cup that looks like a bowl, or a monkey whose eyes have been blinded by smoke and whose whole body is shining with golden light; it is also possible that the clay has long been turned into a puddle of mud, lying in a corner of the greenhouse all day long. Basking in the sun in the corner.

No matter what, the original piece of clay will eventually become a thing due to various factors, a fixed thing with almost no possibility of change. The only way to change is to break it.

As the saying goes, a country is easy to change, but its nature is hard to change.

Crossing industries and borders, how easy is it? A food delivery driver will never know how a politician can make money to support himself and his family and live such a decent life. It is difficult for a craftsman to understand how those people who are idle every day survive.

Every other line is like a mountain.

I read an article more than 20 years ago, one of which is still fresh in my memory: It is a mountain, so majestic; it is a grassland, so vast; it is an eagle, It spreads its wings and soars; it is a horse, so it runs enthusiastically.

······If it is a cup, you can safely hold water there; if it is a soup bowl, you can safely hold soup.

Cups are as good as cups, and bowls are as useful as bowls. No matter what it is, living your best life is enough.