First of all, a good minister should have noble character. They usually have integrity, honesty, integrity and other qualities and can win the trust and respect of the monarch. At the same time, they can also be recognized and loved by the broad masses of the people, because they can seek welfare for the people and let them live a better life.
Secondly, a good minister should have outstanding talents. They usually have the ability and wisdom to govern the country, and can make suggestions for the monarch and formulate policies conducive to the development of the country. At the same time, they can help the people and promote the development and progress of the country.
Third, a good minister should have a sense of responsibility and responsibility They usually have a high sense of social responsibility and historical mission, and can devote themselves to the country and work hard for the happiness of the people. At the same time, they can also dare to take responsibility, dare to take responsibility, and are not afraid of risks and challenges.
Finally, a good minister should have an open mind and broad vision. They can tolerate different opinions and cultures, actively absorb all kinds of advanced experiences and ideas, and seek a better future for the country and people. In a word, the virtuous minister is the pillar of the country and the right-hand man of the monarch to govern the country. Their existence can bring stability and prosperity to the country and happiness and hope to the people.
1, Ming Luo Guan Zhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms for the third time: "Lu Bu said: I hate not to pick up its main ear. Xiao Su said: A good bird chooses wood to live in, and a good minister chooses the Lord to walk. It is not too early to see the opportunity now, but it is too late to regret it. "
2. Ming Luo Guan Zhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the fourteenth time: "Haven't you heard that good birds choose wood to live, and good ministers choose their owners to do it?" If you meet the Lord of all things, but you lose your arm, it's not your husband. "
3. The first episode of Feng Ming Menglong's Biography of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty: A group of virtuous ministers, such as Duke Zhou, Zhao Gong, Bi Gong and Wei Shi, assisted in the administration of state affairs, and the whole article was revised and suppressed to enrich the people.
4. Feng Ming's magnum "History of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty" for the second time: "Kings are not afraid of changes in the sky, and they are afraid that the country will be empty and the society will not be guaranteed."