There is a road adjacent to and parallel to the west of Zhongshan Road in Fuzhou City. Cars can drive in opposite directions at the same time. It is not considered very small, but it has a very small road name: Can Mend the Sky. lane. People who don't know this road often say the same thing when they hear the name: there must be a story behind this road name. And indeed it is.
In ancient times, Zhongshan Road was the Gongyuan, the imperial examination office. Naturally, there were many inns on this road for candidates to stay. Due to financial constraints, a poor scholar who was taking the exam could only stay in a very low-grade inn in Guangji Lane, an alley adjacent to and parallel to it in the west. The scholar was very kind. He saved a group of ants that were drowned in water. For people, this may be a small effort, but for the little ants, it is a great favor. On his examination paper, this scholar should have written the word "天" (天), but mistakenly wrote the word "大" (大). This mistake, which was neither big nor small, naturally affected his performance. The grateful ants took the initiative to line up on the top of the big character, thus changing "big" into "sky". The examiner disliked the ants contaminating the test paper, so he brushed the ants away with his hand. Unexpectedly, when I reread the test paper the next day, the ants lined up again and changed the word "big" to "sky". The examiner believed that this was God's will and acquiesced to this fact. Because the scholar was full of knowledge and wrote good articles, he finally won the first prize. The number one scholar went to the inn to look for him, which was both nostalgia and gratitude. The county magistrate welcomed the champion to the Yingbin Post in this small inn. The number one scholar recited a poem: "The leaves of the lantern are as big as two jins, and the weights are small but weigh a thousand jins. How can the size determine the past and present? You must know that this place can mend the sky." Since then, Guangji Lane has been renamed Nengbutian Lane.
The legendary story is just for casual conversation. If you think about it carefully, it has profound cultural connotations. This is to encourage people to be kind and do more good deeds. Only in this way can an indifferent society become alive and humane. From a sociological perspective, if everyone does more good deeds, it will definitely be beneficial to society. The reason why the name Nengbutianxiang has been able to survive for a long time is precisely because of the good tradition of the Chinese nation to persuade people to do good and do more good deeds. At present, in the important historical period of building a harmonious society, it is even more important to carry forward the fine cultural traditions of the Chinese nation and introduce the anecdotes of Neng Butian Lane, which is of great practical significance.