The ten most beautiful surnames in China
1. Money Now is the era of market economy, so naturally the word "money" is the most beautiful.
2. As soon as the official heard it, he felt that he should be an official.
3. Anyone with the surname of Dragon can soar into the clouds and ride the mist.
4. Because Hao has the same pronunciation as "Hao", your name sounds very nice. Adding the surname "Hao" to it makes it even better.
5. Because Zhen has the same pronunciation as "Zhen", your name sounds very nice. If you add the surname "Zhen" to it, everything false becomes true.
6. Because Zheng has the same pronunciation as "正", no matter what kind of official you are, whether it is director, director, section chief, etc., you are originally a deputy, but when you put the surname "正", you become "deputy". Right.
7. Money In today’s society, people with a lot of money are still the most popular.
8. High No matter what, the feeling of being high above others is really good.
9. The biggest advantage of Ding is that when it comes to "sorting by strokes of surname", brother, you have to be at the top of the list.
10. As soon as Confucius met someone named Kong, he felt that the descendants of Confucius should all come from the pile of books. The ten largest Chinese surnames are: Zhang, Wang, Li, Zhao, Chen, Yang, Wu, Liu, Huang, and Zhou. These ten surnames account for 40% of the Chinese population, about 400 million people. The second largest ten surnames are: Xu, Zhu, Lin, Sun, Ma, Gao, Hu, Zheng, Guo and Xiao. Accounting for more than 10% of the Chinese population. The third largest ten surnames are: Xie, He, Xu, Song, Shen, Luo, Han, Deng, Liang, and Ye. Accounting for 10% of the Chinese population. The next 15 major surnames are: Fang, Cui, Cheng, Pan, Cao, Feng, Wang, Cai, Yuan, Lu, Tang, Qian, Du, Peng, and Lu. Together they account for 10% of the total population. In other words, among China's one billion people, 700 million people have these 45 surnames. The other more than 300 million people have relatively rare surnames, such as Mao, Jiang, Bai, Wen, Guan, Liao, Chi, etc.
I think everyone will think that other people’s last names are nice, but in fact it’s not about whether the last name is nice or not, but that you just don’t like your own name. Or you are very curious. In fact, everyone has his or her own name. Thoughts, this is the question that only you can answer the most