Zhang and Lv are husband and wife, and they have a daughter. "Beiyan" is their surname and "Yunyi" is her first name. It is very romantic. However, the police station does not grant the child a household registration. The reason is that the child can only Take the father's or mother's surname. Zhang and Lu were dissatisfied and took the police station to court. Can they get support from the court?
According to Article 99, paragraph 1, of the "General Principles of the People's Republic of China and Civil Law" of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, "The People's Republic of China and the People's Republic of China" According to the Interpretation of Article 22 of the National Marriage Law, the child's surname can be that of his parents, other direct blood relatives, or dependents. In addition, there must be legitimate reasons that do not violate public order and good customs.
The court held that the random creation of surnames can easily lead to confusion in household registration management and is not conducive to the government's household registration management. At the same time, surnames are inherited by blood, carrying culture and ethics, and do not follow the parents' The surname is not good for the physical and mental health of the child. Therefore, the verdict was that Zhang lost the case.
Thinking about it, it is quite embarrassing for a child to be asked why you and your parents have different surnames.