White Snow——Snow
Moon—— Celina (Selina)
Child of the Moon——Amaris (Emma Lisi)
Hazy——Sicily (Sisili)
Hazy—— Cecile (Cecile)
Angel——Angelina (Angelina)
Seraph—— Serafina
Elina Alina)
True white——Blanche
True white——Fiona Na)
Xuelan - Elodie (Elodi)
Rose tears - Dolores (Dolores)
Sorrow - Delores (Germany) Loris)
Rou - Claudia (Claudia)
Cute but I copied it from:
Milk, cola, coffee, milk tea, ice cream, elf pearls Water Drops Snowball Milk Tinker Bell Apple Rose
Lily Strawberry Green Tea Orange Juice Jelly Pudding Lilac Jiajiajiajia Xiaoxi Tiantian White Snow Xiaobing
Angel Angel Angel Qiqi Little Love Baby Fairy Shanni, Annie, Feifei, Sweet Balls, Millie Fruit Fructose Candy
Dot, Baby, Bebe, Momo, Xiaoxue Luoluo
Happy Nana, Xiangxiang, Tianya, Dot, Snowflake, Dolphin, Coco, Ruorono, Nododo Meimei Nana
Jenny, Niuniu, Lalamy, Fei Lulu, Diudiu Susu, Silk Road, Xinxin, Think of Anna
Snow Baby Little Princess
Baby Lele, Beibei Doudou, Maomao Niuniu, Anqi, Ahu, Xiaofan, Xiaobao, Xiaoxue Xiaoyu
Tiger and Tiger Duoduo Yaoyao tease Dandan Yuanyuantao Tao Huan Huan Tian Tian Tao Tao Dan Dan Chang Chang
Wan'er Qing'er Yu'er Xiaohu Ahao Ah Hui Xue'er Ke'er Yue'er Yi'er Belle Ling'er
Xiaolong Dashuang Little pairs, little dragons, tigers, tigers, big treasures, tigers, Xin'er, Xiang'er, Meng'er, Ke'er
Yangyang Tiantian Dudu, Chenchen Yang, Yanglong, Xiaolong, big pairs, small pairs, little dragons, tigers and tigers
Smile, laugh, brighten, brighten, Zhuangzhuangduoduo, Anqi, Ahu, Xiaofan, Xiaobao, Xiaoxue, Xiaoyu
Xiao Xiaotingting, Wen Wen, Ding Ding, Yaya, Nannan, Tiger, Tiger, Duoduo, Yaoyao, Doudou Dan Dan Yuanyuan
Cute Coco Dongdong Yuan Taotao Hao Hao Chou Chou Qiang Chuchu Xinxin Xixi Linlin
Xinxin Jingjing Yueyue Miao Miaohao Mimi Qi Qi Rui Rui Ming Ming Dong Peng Peng Xuan Xuan
Yang Yang Jiajia Shuai Lulu Nan Nan Meng Meng Xing Wen Wen Tian Tian Hao Yuan Yuan Feifei
Ying Ying Chao Chao Yueyue Jiao Jiao Shan Shanran Ran Qianqian Shuangshuang Nini Huahua Dog Yue Yue Xiang Xiang Nan Nan Ming Miaomiao
Bobo Panpan Leilei Weishan Shanyingying Abao Along Iron Egg Stinky Egg Aguo Baby
Little Sweet Little Douding Little Swallow Little Doudou Little Huzi Little Elf Little Beibei Little
Fish, little kitten
Little stones, little raindrops, little things
Aaron Allen Hebrew majestic mountains; inspired by God
Abbott Hebrew fatherly; great spirit
Abel Abel Latin life; breathing
Adam Adam the first man in the Hebrew world, male
Alan Alan Scandinavia Handsome, good-looking; harmonious, peaceful and happy
Albert Albert British noble intelligence; guardian of mankind. Remember Einstein?
Alger Ajer British glorious and noble escort
Allen Alan Gale is handsome; good-looking
Alston Alston is a noble British person
Alva Alvaradin Caucasian; blond
Alvin Alvin Teutonic is loved by everyone; everyone's friend
Andy Andy Greek male, brave, Brave
Armand German soldier
Arno Teutonic Eagle
Arthur Arthur British noble or aristocratic (Sword in the Stone) male Protagonist)
Arvin Teutonic, a person who treats others with equality
Asa Asa, the gift of Hebrew God; the healer
Aubrey Aubrey A wealthy and powerful Teutonic king
Avery Avery, a British naughty, prankster
Baldwin A very brave Teutonic man on the battlefield
Baron Barron, the British brave warrior; noble
Barton Barton, the British man who lives in the barley fields (the general with five stars)
Basil Basil, the noble Latin
p>Beacher is the English word for wave (not a curse)
Beau is a French person who likes to be groomed, a playboy
Beck is a British stream
Ben Ben Hebrew son; mountain peak
Benson Benson Hebrew, a British man with a father-like character
Berg Teutonic Iceberg
Bernard Bernard Teutonic is as brave as a bear
Bernie Bernie Teutonic is also as brave as a bear
Bert Bert is a man who exudes glory and brilliance
p>Berton, a thrifty British man who managed property
Bing came from a very special village
Bishop, a British supervisor
Blair Braselt plain; swampy battlefield
Blake Blake British bleach
Bowen Bowen British educated aristocrat
Brady Brady British Vibrant; broad island
Brandon Brandon
Britain comes from the shining mountains
Brian Brian Selt and the powerful leader of the Gaels; born noble
Bruce Bruce a forest in France
Bruno Bruno Italian brown or black skin color
Buck Buck British stag
Burgess knight British free man
Burke Balke French person who lives in a castle fortress People
Burnell Burnell French short person
Burton Burton a small town on the British hills
Byron Byron British country house, like big Natural Scenery (famous poet)
Caesar Emperor Caesar Latin (Roman overlord with no good results)
Calvin Calvin Latin Bald (famous brand)
Carey Carey Wells the man who lives in the castle
Carl Carl Germany the great man
Carr Kyle Norway the man who lives in the swamp
Carter Carter, a British carriage driver
Cash Cash, a vain person, cash
Clark Clark Latin and a British scholar
Colin Colin Gale Child or baby
Dana Dana Britain is as pure and shining as the sun
Daniel Daniel Hebrew God is my referee (Katie Meow’s boyfriend)
Darnell Daniel Hebrew God is my judge
Dean Dean English Valley; school leader; church leader
Devin Devin Ireland Refers to a poet or scholar
Dick Dick German brave, bold (actually has another meaning...)
Don Don Celtic world leader
Duncan Duncan Gale brown warrior; tanned warrior
Dunn Dunn British refers to a dark-skinned person
Dylan Dylan Wells ocean; god of waves
Earl, a noble leader with keen wisdom in the UK
Ed, a wealthy guardian in the UK
Eden, the Hebrew Garden of Eden, Light and joy
Edgar Edgar Britain's happy warrior
Edmund Edmund Britain's wealthy protector
Edison Edison Britain is rich in caring for others One's own people (well, you should know)
Edward, a wealthy British property guardian (a sparrow turns into a phoenix)
Edwiin, Edwin's wealthy British friend; Valuable friend
Eli Eli Hebrew is great and outstanding
Ellis Ellis Hebrew God is the savior
Elmer Elmer British noble or famous
Latin royal family, king
Elton Elton of the old British farm
Elvis Elvis Teutonic noble; friend (Elvis)
Enoch Iraq Knock Greek, Hebrew pious
Eric Eric Scandinavian leader
Eugene Greek, Latin with noble blood
Evan Irvine, a man from a distinguished family
Everley means the place where wild boars fight.
Frank, a free man from Frank France
Gale Gall Irish Singing; Stranger
Gavin Gavin, Irish War Eagle, Eagle of Victory
Gene Gene, Latin with noble blood
George George Greece Farmer
Gordon Gordon British hero; strong man
Grover Grover British man living in the woods
Guy Guy British guide; wise
Hale Hall British heroic glory
Haley Harry Irish scientific; inventive talent
Hardy Hardy German brave, noble personality People
Harlan Harlan Teutonic comes from a cold country
Harley Harry Britain is a prairie or grove full of hares
Harold Harold British leader warrior; brave in battle
Harry Harry medieval British war, soldier
Harvey Harvey French bitter; progressive or prosperous
Hayden Hayden Article Dayton comes from a small town surrounded by hedges
Hiram Heller, Hebrew of noble status
Hogan Hogan, Irish forever young
Horace Harris Latin teacher
Hubery, Hubert, French personality, bright
Hugh, German rationality; intelligence
Hugo Hugo, Latin rationality; intelligence (famous poet and writer)
Hunter Hunter British man who is proud of hunting
Hyman Hyman Hebrew life
Ian Ian Scotland man who reflects the glory of God
Ira Aile Hebrew alert person
Isaac Isaac Hebrew laughter
Ivan Ivan Russian God’s gracious gift
Ives Ives British swordsman
Jack Jack Hebrew God's gracious gift (market name, many people have it)
Jacob Jacob's Hebrew replacement ;Follower
Jason Jason Greek healer of wounds; person with rich knowledge
Jay Jay French bluebird's beauty
f Jeff French Divine Peace
Jeffrey Jeffrey French Divine Peace
Jeremy Jeremy The Sublime Hebrew God
Jerry Jerry Latin Divine name
Jesse Jesse Hebrew God's gift; God is there
Jim Jim Latin replacement
Jonas Jonas Hebrew dove of peace
Joseph Joseph Hebrew God will give again
Joshua Joshua Hebrew God rescued
Joyce Joyce Latin joyful
Julian Julian Greek hair soft, also represents young people
Justin Justin Latin honest
Keith Irish style; woods
Kelly Kelly Celtic warrior
Ken Ken a handsome leader in Scotland
Kent Kent a handsome leader in Scotland; a vast land
Kerr Kerwin Irish refers to a black man with a spear
Kerwin Kerwin Irish person with a soft eye; friend
Kevin Kevin Irish saint; very masculine; well-born
Kim Kim British born person on the royal fortress lawn
King King British ruler
Kirk Kirk Gaelic person who lives next to the church
Kyle Kyle Wells a narrow strait; handsome
Lance Lance French land; a person who waits for others
Larry Laurie Latin Laurel
Lawrence Lawrence Latin Laurel (I forgot to hear it there, it seems very famous)
Leif Lev Norwegian Popular Lover
Len Len Teutonic Strong Lion
Lennon Lennon, a thin Irish man wearing a hat and cloak
Leo Leo, the Greek lion; warrior (English version of Leo)
Leonard Nader Teutonic strong as a lion
Leopold Leopold German patriotic
Les Lesert from the ancient fortress
Lester Reese Special British Camp; Distinguished Man
Lewis Louis France was famous on the battlefield
Lou Louis France was famous on the battlefield
Louis Louis France Very famous on the battlefield
Lucien Lu Si En Latin light, truth
Luther Luther the outstanding German warrior
Lyndon Lyndon Teutonic lived in the Bodhi tree place
Lynn Lin British lake dweller
Magee McGee Irish angry person
Malcolm Mai
Erken Scotland refers to the preacher
Marcus Marcus Roman refers to the aggressive person
Mark Mark Latin refers to the aggressive person
Marlon Marlon French refers to a person who looks like a hawk or a falcon
Marsh French comes from a bushy area
Martin Martin Latin is warlike and martial
Marvin Marvin British Friend
Matt Matt Hebrew God's Gift
Matthew Matthew Hebrew God's Gift
Max Max Latin The Greatest
Merle is a thrush in France. The French use this name to call those who love to sing or whistle.
Merlin is a British seaside fortress or a hill by the sea
Michael Mike Hebrew is like God
Michell Mitchell UK is like God’s labor and nobility
Mick Mick Hebrew is like God People
Mike Mike Hebrew God-like man
Miles German, Latin, Greek warrior; millstone; kind
Milo Milu Latin person who raises the townspeople; warrior
Monroe Monroe Celtic Red Swamp
Moore French dark and handsome appearance
Morgan Morgan Will This refers to the people who live by the sea
Morton Morton, the British village from the wilderness
Moses Moses, the Hebrew who rescued people from the sea; children (people who crossed the Red Sea) p>
Murphy Murphy Irish refers to the person who defends the power of the sea
Murray Moreceltic sailor
Myron Myron Greek aromatic; sweet, fragrant
p>Nat Nat Hebrew gift
Nathan Naiden Hebrew giver
Neil Neil British brave man; leader; winner of the championship, Champion
Nelson Nelson British son
Newman Newman British popular stranger
Nick Nick Greek winner
Noah Noah Calm, still, or peaceful
Noel Noel Latin birthday; Christmas (seems to also mean Santa Claus)
Norman Norman French Nordic, Scandinavian Navia
Omar Omar the eldest son of Arabia, taught by the prophet
Orville Orville France comes from gold
Osborn Osborn British sacred Warrior, a person blessed by God
Oscar Oscar Teutonic Sacred Spear (the favorite of a lot of famous stars)
Otis Otis Greece has a keen hearing
Otto Otto, the rich German
Orn Radin, a noble-born young warrior in Wales
Page Peggy the Greek child
Parker Pike the British parkkeeper
Paddy Paddy Ireland Noble born; noble
Patrick Patrick Latin noble born; noble
Paul Paul Latin refers to a short and delicate person
Payne Pine Latin comes from the countryside person
Perry Ferry English pear tree
Pete Pete Greek rock, stone
Peter Peter Greek rock, stone
Phil Phil I am a Greek horse lover.
Philip Philip Greek warrior; warlike or martial; horse lover
Porter Porter French gatekeeper or porter
Primo Primo Italian eldest son
Quentin 5th French, 5th day
Quincy 5th Quincy Latin
Quinn 5th Quincy
Rachel Rachel Hebrew ewe
Ralap Ralf British wolf advice or wolf wisdom
Raymond Raymond German powerful protector or advisor , protector
Reg Regan of the German emperor; king
Regan Regan of the Irish emperor; king
Reuben Reuben's son of Greece; newborn
Rex the Latin King of Rex
Richard Richard the brave, bold
Robert Robert Teutonic brilliant reputation
Robin Robin Teutonic brilliant reputation, Robin
Rock Rock British rock, very strong man (WWF wrestling master)
Rod Rod British road serviceman; famous
Rodney Rodney, a British road servant; famous, servant
Ron Ron, a strong and powerful Teutonic leader
Ronald Luo Nelde Teutonic strong and powerful leader
Rory Rory Selt ruddy, healthy man
Roy Roy King of England
Ryan Ryan, the potential king of Ireland
Sam Sam, the name of Hebrew God
Sampson Simpson, Hebrew high wisdom and strength, the sun (who was acquitted of killing his wife) Guy) Sandy Sandy Latin defender of mankind
Saxon Saxon British sword-bearer who conquered others (famous barbarian people)
Scott Scott British Scots, Ireland People
Sean Sean Ireland God's merciful gift
Sidney Sidney from the city of Sidon in Phoenix
Simon Simon Hebrew Lingde, Flat-nosed
Solomon Solomon Hebrew peace, peace
Stan Stan British grassland, pasture
Stanley Stanley British grassland, pasture
Steven Latin, Greek crown, corolla
Steward British caretaker or manager
Tab Teutonic excellence, wisdom
Taylor Taylor, a British tailor
Ted Ted, a wealthy guardian in ancient England
Thomas Thomas, the British god of the sun; a pair of twins
Tiffany France
Show the divine image of God
Tim Tim Greek God-fearing or god-fearing
Toby Toby Greek God is the god I believe in (Alice’s dog is also named this)
Todd Todd British fox; refers to a smart and cunning person
Tom Tom British, a pair of Latin twins; the god of the sun
Tony Tony Latin is worthy of praise, Very respected
Tracy Tracy British Market Trail, Harvest
Troy Troy French people living among the curly haired people
Truman Truman British faith is very loyal person
Tyler Tyler British roofer, brick maker
Tyrone Tyrone Greek lord or ruler
Upton Upton British The man from the front end of town
Uriah Hebrew Jesus is the place of light
Verne Verne flourish
Vic Victor , Conqueror
Victor Victor Latin Victor, Conqueror
Vincent Vincent Latin Conquered.
Virgil Virgil Latin spring, the state of prosperity of living things
Vito Vito Latin is very lively, a person with strong strength
Vivian Wei Wei En Latin is active
Wade Wade British wanderer
Walker Walker British man walking in the woods
Walter Walter Gude, French refers to the person who leads the army, Or a powerful warrior
Ward Ward British defender, defender (dream maker)
Warner Warner German resister of invasion
Wayne Wayne British builder Carriage man, carriage man.
Webb Webster British weaver
Webster Webster British weaver
Wendell Wendell Teutonic wanderer
Werner Wei Nard defended his country against invaders
Wilbur Wilbur, a city with many willow trees in England, brilliant
Will, a powerful French warrior or protector
William William Germany, a powerful warrior or defender of France
Willie Willie a powerful warrior or defender of France
Winston Winston British from a friend's town or residence, stone
Woodrow Woodrow Norwegian people who live in forest cabins
Wright Wright British lumberjack
Xavier, the owner of Sevier's new Spanish house, is brilliant
Yale, Yale from ancient Britain, comes from the frontier area
Yehudi, a Hebrew worshiper of God
York York English boar breeder
Yves Yves French patron saint of law
Zachary Zachary Hebrew person favored by God
Zebulon Gibran's Hebrew residence, residence
Zero Sulo's Latin meaning: you know it even if you don't say it