Marrying a banshee will break the precepts, and if you don't marry a banshee, it will cause great sin. The contradictory macaque returned to Putuo Mountain and asked Guanyin Bodhisattva for instructions. Avalokitesvara said, "This is an auspicious sign. It is a great good thing that you can combine with her and reproduce in the snowy plateau. As a bodhisattva, be brave and fearless, and quickly form a husband and wife with a banshee. "
After the macaque and the witch became partners, they gave birth to six little monkeys. They have different temperaments and hobbies. They each look for food and live in a fruit forest. Three years later, when macaques went to visit their children, they found that the children had multiplied to 500, and the fruits in the forest were about to dry up and their lives were miserable. The old macaque once again returned to Putuo Mountain to ask Guanyin for help, and took out five-grain seeds from Xumi Mountain and scattered them on the earth, which was full of all kinds of five-grain crops. Because monkeys get enough food, their tails get shorter, they can talk, and they gradually become people. This is the ancestor of the snowy plateau.
The story of macaque becoming human is widely circulated among Tibetan people, recorded in ancient scriptures and painted on murals. Tibet Zedang is named after "the place where monkeys play". Tibetans in Zedang will tell you that the cave where the macaque lived is on the nearby Kampot Mountain. Sarah village, 3 kilometers away from Zedang, is the first highland barley land in Tibetan legend. Today, Tibetans come here every sowing season to grab a "holy land" and pray for ancestors to bless a bumper harvest.