Pokemon Black 2 is the name of the White Dragon Elf in Ishu area.

Reshiram (Japanese: レシラム? Reshiram (English: Reshiram) is a magical treasure in the legend of Dragon and Inflammation.

Reshiram is white all over, but his eyes are aqua blue. There are clouds of hair on his head, his face is like a white wolf, and there are two circles of white hair on his neck. Its claws are connected with feathery wings, and its abdomen is covered with white hair, with thin stripes on its thighs. The main parts of its knees, three claws and heels are white, with two circles of white hair around its tail and cloud-like hair at its tip, which makes Reshiram more elegant.

Reshiram's illustrations make many people mistakenly think that Reshiram refers to the atmospheric thermal movement. In fact, Reshiram may imply that carbon dioxide released by heat engine combustion is warming the global climate.

Reshiram recognizes the trainers who pursue reality as partners, while Zekrom recognizes the trainers who pursue ideals, which just corresponds to realism and idealism.

From Reshiram's classification of Poké mon, we can see that the design concept of Reshiram and his corresponding Zekrom is based on the Yin and Yang of Taoism. According to Sugimoto, Reshiram has a light female appearance, which is in sharp contrast with Zekrom's stout male appearance. Its tail is the center of the design, based on the steam turbine. Reshiram has the characteristics of birds, canines (such as foxes and wolves), pterosaurs and dragons in appearance. The feathers and crown on its head are similar to smoke trails and white flames, and the temperature is as high as 1, 500 C (2730 F). The origin of Reshiram and Zekrom, the argument between the two brothers mentioned in the myth, is similar to the argument between romulus and remus or Cain and Abel. Reshiram's design may also be based on the first industrial revolution, the steam revolution.

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