Wang's name sounds good, his strokes are not thick, and compared with now, girls use Xuan, Xin and so on. As their names, it's not vulgar.
Let me explain, 20 18 1.8 is the end of the year of the rooster. As the zodiac in China, many people compare people born in the Year of the Rooster to the Phoenix. The ancient book "Zuo Zhuan" said: A good bird chooses a good tree to live in, and the title is like a good bird (Phoenix), which is the king of birds, and the phoenix is the most joyful and imposing on the phoenix tree.
It happens that the owner's surname is Wang, which can also be understood as the king of birds. He lives on a buttonwood tree. Good birds get good wood. Why not be lucky?
This name is very meaningful. I wish the topic owner a rich and safe life, and I wish the topic owner smooth sailing and all the best!