Where does the express train from Suzhou North Bus Station to Kunshan Taicang pass? Be more specific!


All passenger-friendly buses in Suzhou have very clear regulations.

They are all high-speed through trains and will not pick up passengers in any way.

How many kinds of cars are there from Suzhou North Station to Kunshan?

Two of them go directly to Kunshan North Station and Kunshan South Station, which belong to the company-type convenient bus series.

Others went to the town where Kunshan and Suzhou meet. Qiandeng Nangang Bacheng, etc. Those inconvenient bus series, private buses; They can let passengers get on and off anywhere on the road; Did not stop.

The way to Taicang is to go directly to Taicang bus station in the west of Taicang city.

I hope the above information is helpful to you and I hope it will be adopted.