Relationship between Figure-eight Deviation and Sitting Support

It is bad luck to be partial to officials in the eight characters, bad luck to use officials strongly, and good luck to be partial to officials weakly. However, compared with the female life, the official is the husband star, no matter how strong or weak the eight characters are, they are mixed. The official star was stolen by partial printing, and it is most taboo when the official life is weak. Many masters are unlucky, and their husbands' career development is not smooth or their health is not good. When the Lord himself sees an official injury or seven murders, it is easy for him to do things that are sorry for his husband and make him sad, thus being left out in the cold. Yin-leaning nature is good at concealing itself and stealing official stars representing accomplishment and honor, so it is gorgeous in appearance, empty in heart and flashy in surface. Business people look rich, but they don't have much money. Officials seem to have high power, but in fact they have no real power.

Killing seven owls while sitting is not a good sign, and killing them is not enough, whether it is strong or weak. People are vain, flashy and ignorant of the art of financial management. If you do business, you will make ends meet and talk big. Many troubles in a person's life have caused many failures, and it is easy to be used without knowing why. In communication, he is easily misunderstood, but his kindness is not rewarded, and he is more likely to meet friends. If you hit the eight characters, if you have Tiande, Moonlight or Tiangui, you can resolve their fierceness.

Partial printing is restricted by positive wealth and positive wealth, and its role in life is restricted. Most people who use strong eight-character money are lucky. Partial printing has the advantage of being partial to the Lord, and its people are appreciated and promoted by their elders. People who see other people's fortunes have different reputations, and are prone to unexpected achievements in art or research and design, which is a symbol of fame and fortune. However, those who are physically weak and biased are not by luck. Partial printing is a pleasure for the nobles, just like being robbed by the fortune star system. If the dignitaries want help, it is inevitable to find a job.

Partial printing, partial printing, partial printing, official injury