Idioms related to hands and feet

Hand-foot idioms:

As brothers,

As brothers,

Raise your hand and cast your feet,

Deep brotherhood,

Get in the way,

Throw one's hand into one's foot,

Rub your hands, stamp your feet,

Cocoon-footed hand,

Such as hands and feet,

Sneaking around,

Stamp your feet, rub your hands,


At a loss,

Hands and feet,

Feelings are like brothers,

Put your hands together, hold your feet,

Heavy cocoon of hands and feet,


Hands tied,

Work hard,

Callus of hands and feet,

Hands, hands, cocoons and feet,

Heavy hands and tired feet,

Callus of hands and feet,

Brotherly feelings,

Seven feet, eight hands,


One hand and one foot,

Brothers and sisters,

The way of dancing