Don't go back to the village easily after you get rich. People are afraid of being famous and strong. People who borrow money will come to your door if they have money, and they will not pay it back if they borrow it. In their eyes, this is what you should pay, and you may get the blame they give you.
If you are poor and don't leave your relatives, if you are rich, will you go back to China? This is a folk proverb, which comes from an enlarged and virtuous article and is passed down by ordinary people.
There are many such simple folk proverbs, which are circulated in the form of spoken language, easy to understand and contain a wide range of contents, such as the following sentences:
1. Ten chrysanthemums and nine yellows, ten girls and nine girls are like mothers.
It means that nine chrysanthemums we see are yellow in more than ten years, just like girls at home, regardless of their appearance and conduct, implying family style.
Daughter and mother have lived for a long time, so it is very important to teach by example. In the past, in the countryside, men would inquire about the behavior of the girl's mother before finding a partner, which is the reason.
2. There are only unreachable days, and there are no unreachable mountains.
The meaning is also very simple. This sentence tells us that nothing is impossible as long as we work hard.
There are many similar proverbs among the people that encourage people to forge ahead. The purpose is to remind young people who are struggling not to be knocked down by the immediate difficulties. No matter how tall a mountaineer is, he should not be overwhelmed by it.
3. Don't talk about light when you see the blind, and don't talk about sores when you see sores.
Don't say short words in front of long people. You talk about the scenery to the blind. Isn't that bullying people?
In life, it is very important for people to communicate without exposing their shortcomings and hitting others in the face. This sentence tells us that we must know how to respect others in order to win their respect.
4. I'm not afraid of sitting face to face, but I'm afraid of being stabbed twice.
What does this sentence have to do with? An open gun is easier to hide than an open enemy? The same result implies that people in the Jianghu are not afraid of those little people who appear, and what they are most afraid of is duplicity.
They are the former and the latter, and they are deep and hard to prevent. This old saying sums up those extremely smart people, and we must stay away from them.
People in front love to argue, while people behind are more right and wrong.
Those who always show off in front of others, in order to show their abilities behind their backs, will certainly flatter themselves with the right and wrong of others.
Such people love to show off, but in fact they feel inferior inside. In order to show themselves in the crowd, they do not hesitate to belittle others and raise themselves. It is better for such people to have less contact so as not to suffer.
6. When a man is delicious, he has to pay off his debts, and when a woman is delicious, she has to be fooled.
This sentence uses eating as a metaphor for human desire. Both men and women have worldly desires, but if you don't treat me well, you will go the wrong way.
If men indulge their desires too much, they will be insatiable, enjoy happiness and eventually become lazy.
Women indulge their desires too much, and if they are not careful, they will be taken in by others, and may not be able to withstand the temptation and make a big mistake.
7. People don't know when to be blessed, and ships don't know when to be watered.
When taking a boat, because the speed of the boat is almost the same as the current, people on board can't feel the boat moving, which is used to describe that people are in happiness.
This sentence reminds such people not to forget that happiness is hard to come by because they have been happy for too long and do not know how to cherish it.
8. In Jin Zijing, family members speak with one ear, while outsiders speak.
Many people will have this problem. Their relatives keep talking, but they believe the ideas of outsiders.
Family members are the most trustworthy people around us, and their opinions are the most pertinent. Although sometimes the advice is the worst, we should listen more, not the general remarks of strangers.
Our ancestors left us too many folk proverbs, covering all aspects of our lives. These words were condensed into words after the predecessors suffered a lot. Although human nature is unpredictable, we can avoid taking many detours through these life philosophies.