The interpretation of the word "jade" in Shuo Wen Jie Zi is: the beauty of jade. Five virtues: "Warm, benevolent; The principle of gills is known from the outside, and the side of righteousness is also; Its voice is soothing, profound and wise; If you don't bow, you will be brave; Sharp and cheap, clean and honest. Like the connection of Sanyu, it is also well connected. "The general idea is that jade has five properties: it looks soft, shiny and moist, like a person with the quality of' benevolence'; The texture of jade can be clearly seen from the outside to the inside, just like the "righteousness" of people; Jade's voice is soothing and melodious, spreading to the distance, like human's "wisdom"; It never bends, but breaks, just like human "courage"; Jade is angular, but it won't hurt people, just like a person's purity.
Confucianism preaches "benevolence, courtesy, wisdom and faith", and the most fundamental point is benevolence. People admire those who are "benevolent and love others" as gentlemen, and the core of "benevolence" is virtue. Confucius said, "If a gentleman is an ex-husband, jade is not as good as jade." It is to link virtue with gentlemen and trace back to the source. Jade represents virtue, and virtue becomes jade, and jade virtue becomes the spiritual pillar of the development of civilized society. At that time, all virtuous people wore jade with them, and always restrained themselves with jade's character: "A gentleman is a jade, and jade is a gentleman."