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Wisdom Tree knows the answers to the 2023 chapter test of "Systematic Anatomy"

Wisdom Tree Knowledge System Anatomy" 2023 Chapter Test Answers

Chapter 1

1. What is wrong about the concept of human anatomy


A: Normal

B: Location

C: Morphology

D: Pathology

E: Development


Correct answer: Pathology

2. The branch that does not belong to applied anatomy is

A: Surgical anatomy

B: Systemic anatomy

C: Motor anatomy

D: X-ray anatomy

E: Surface anatomy

Correct answer: Systemic anatomy

3. The earliest medical classic in my country is

A: Huangdi Neijing

B: Medical Classic

C: Human body structure

D: Collection of Cleansing of Wrongs

E: Correction of Wrongs

Correct answer: Huangdi Neijing

4. About Anatomy The wrong posture is

A: upright

B: eyes straight ahead

C: splayed feet

D: double The upper limbs hang down on both sides of the trunk

E: Palms facing forward

Correct answer: splayed feet

5. When lying on your back, which of the following descriptions is incorrect

A: The mouth is located below the nose

B: The eyes are located above the nose

C: The ears are located below the nose

D: The eyes are located above the nose The outer side of p>

A: Medial

B: Medial

C: External

D: Lateral

E: Proximal

Correct answer: medial

7. The one closest to the base of the limb is

A: medial

B: lateral

C: Proximal

D: Distal

E: Ulnar

Correct answer: Proximal

8. Coronal Which description of the axis is wrong

A: It is the axis in the left or right direction

B: It is also called the frontal axis

C: It is parallel to the horizontal plane

D: Perpendicular to the long axis of the body

E: Perpendicular to the horizontal axis

Correct answer: Perpendicular to the horizontal axis

9. The horizontal plane is

A: The section that divides the human body into left and right parts

B: The section that divides the human body into the front and back parts

C: The section that divides the human body into upper and lower parts , the sections of the lower two parts

D: It is a section perpendicular to the coronal plane

E: It is a section parallel to the vertical axis

Correct answer: The cut plane that divides the human body into upper and lower parts

10. The coronal plane is

A: The plane that cuts the human body longitudinally from the front and back direction

B: With The horizontal plane is parallel to the plane that cuts the human body transversely

C: The longitudinal plane from the left and right directions, perpendicular to the horizontal plane and the sagittal plane

D: The plane that is perpendicular to the long axis of the organ

E: None of the above

Correct answer: Longitudinal section perpendicular to the horizontal and sagittal planes from the left and right directions


Sagittal plane of the human body ( ).

A: Perpendicular to the coronal axis

B: Perpendicular to the horizontal plane

C: With the coronal axis passing through

D: Perpendicular to the coronal plane Vertical

E: Divide the human body into front and back parts

Correct answer: perpendicular to the coronal axis, perpendicular to the horizontal plane, with the coronal axis passing through, perpendicular to the coronal plane


The basic tissue of the human body is ().

A: Epithelial tissue

B: Glandular tissue

C: Muscular tissue

D: Nervous tissue

< p> E: Subcutaneous tissue

Correct answer: epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissue

Chapter 2

1. Organic matter and inorganic matter in adult bone Quality ratio




D:2: 8


Correct answer: 3:7

2. The spongy bone in the skull is called