In the column of Bing Yin's age, Yin wood is the liver and C fire is the heart. In the ugly moon column, Jin Xin is the lung and the ugly soil is the spleen and stomach. In Ding Maori's annotation, Mao Mu is the liver. In the afternoon column, the afternoon fire is the heart. On the whole, the five elements are relatively balanced and healthy.
In the Universiade, wood is the liver and fire is the heart. In the new year, the functions of the liver and heart may be affected to some extent. Please pay attention to keep good habits of work and rest to avoid overwork and mental stress. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen diet and exercise, maintain a balanced nutrition and improve immunity.
At the same time, according to the information in the eight characters, there may be some risks of respiratory diseases such as colds and coughs in the new year. Especially when the seasons alternate, we should pay attention to keep warm and prevent colds. If you feel unwell, see a doctor immediately.
In short, in the new year, the health of men is generally stable, but attention should be paid to the health of liver, heart and respiratory tract. Following good living habits and maintaining physical and mental health will help improve fortune.