The splayed leg is the most important cause of congenital claudication in suckling piglets. When the piglet was born, its hind leg muscle function was damaged and it was impossible to stand and walk. The etiology of splayed leg is not clear, but it is related to the high concentration of zearalenone in sow feed during pregnancy.
2. Neonatal sow vulva enlargement
The high concentration of zearalenone in the feed of pregnant sows leads to the disorder of hormone system of newborn sows and the swelling of vulva at birth.
3. Liver necrosis and diarrhea
Aflatoxin B 1 and B2 in feed are secreted by colostrum and normal milk in the form of aflatoxin M 1 and M2 through sow metabolism. Liver necrosis, bile duct hyperplasia, immune dysfunction, diarrhea