Dengta city: area 1 166 square kilometers, population 460,000. There are 3 sub-district offices, 10 town and 1 township.
Baita District: covers an area of 50.95 square kilometers and has a population of 402 1 10,000, with a total of 1 1 sub-district offices.
Wensheng District: covers an area of 305 square kilometers, with a population of 1 36,800, sub-district offices 1 each, two towns, and towns1each.
Hongwei District: area 146.84 square kilometers, population1358,800, 4 sub-district offices and 2 towns.
Taizihe district: covers an area of 273.37 square kilometers, with a population of 1 60,900, 2 sub-district offices, 3 towns and1township.
Gongchangling District: covers an area of 335.09 square kilometers, with a population of 1 2800, 3 sub-district offices, 1 town,1township.