The English way of writing Chinese names is Hanyu Pinyin: the surname comes first, the given name comes last, the surname and the given name are written separately, and the first letters of the surname and the given name are both capitalized.
The English name means English name. English names are more popular in various countries because countries around the world communicate more, and it is easier to communicate with English names. The general structure of English names is: Christian name? Self-given name and surname. Such as William Jefferson Clinton.
However, in many cases the middle name is often omitted, such as George Bush, and many people prefer to use nicknames instead of formal given names, such as Bill Clinton. The above Christian name and middle name are also called personal names. English names are different from Chinese names. In Chinese names, the surname comes first, while the English name is just the opposite. For example: Chinese----Li, Xiao Ming; English----Jake·Wood.
Notes on English naming:
1. Pay attention to the meaning of the English name used
Some English names have bad ambiguities abroad, so When choosing an English name, you should carefully understand the meaning of the name you are using, and then decide whether it is suitable.
2. Avoid literal translation of Chinese names into English
Unless you have excellent English skills and understanding of British and American culture, it is not recommended to directly translate Chinese names. Chinese people choose names that have good meaning and are catchy. When foreigners choose a name, they should try to choose one from the existing names by convention.