1 The efficacy and role of dried yellow peaches in preventing constipation
Dried yellow peaches are still rich in dietary fiber and pectin, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and promote gastrointestinal motility in the body. The discharge of garbage, toxins, etc. can thus play a role in laxatives and can also prevent constipation. Supplementing nutrition
Although dried yellow peaches are made by drying at high temperatures, which will lose a lot of water, water-soluble vitamins and some other nutrients, there are still some nutrients in them, including trace elements and other minerals. The content of material elements will not be lost too much, so eating it in moderation can still supplement nutrition. Nourishing yin and appetizing
Because dried yellow peach has a certain tonic effect. It nourishes the spleen, strengthens the lungs, and is based on kidney deficiency. It can nourish yin to a certain extent. In addition, its taste is sweet and sour when chewed. Sweet and very appetizing. 2 Will eating dried yellow peaches make you gain weight?
Eating in moderation will not.
As long as dried yellow peaches are eaten in moderation, they will not cause weight gain, but if too much dried yellow peaches are consumed, they may cause weight gain.
Dried yellow peaches have high calories. 100g of dried yellow peaches has 327 calories. It contains relatively high sugar and carbohydrate content. Therefore, if you eat too much, it will lead to caloric intake. Overdoing it will easily lead to weight gain in the long run.
However, if eaten in moderation, although it is high in calories, the overall caloric intake will not be too high and can be adjusted through diet control and exercise. 3. Can pregnant women eat dried yellow peaches?
It can be eaten in moderation.
Pregnant women can eat dried yellow peaches in moderation. Its sweet and sour taste can help pregnant women improve their appetite, and it can also supplement nutrition to a certain extent.
However, due to the high sugar content in dried yellow peaches, it is recommended that pregnant women not eat too much to avoid raising blood sugar, which is not good for their health.
Secondly, pregnant women need to pay attention to the fact that when buying dried peaches, pregnant women should choose natural and safe dried peaches. It is not recommended to buy dried peaches that contain a lot of preservatives. 4 What will happen if you eat too much dried yellow peaches? Gastrointestinal discomfort
Because dried yellow peaches are rich in dietary fiber, they will put a certain amount of pressure on the gastrointestinal tract. If you eat too much, it will put pressure on the gastrointestinal tract and cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort such as indigestion and diarrhea. Obesity
Secondly, dried yellow peaches are very high in calories. If you eat too much, it will easily lead to the body's inability to metabolize calories and convert the calories into fat, thus causing obesity.