Charles, Mark, Bill, Vincent, William, Joseph, James, Henry, Gary, Martin,
The most suitable English names for Aries women:
Malcolm, Joan, Niki, Betty, Linda, Whitney, Lily
The most suitable English names for Taurus men:
Fred, Gary, William, Charles, Michael, Karl
The most suitable English names for Taurus women:
Barbara, Elizabeth, Helen, Katharine, Lee, Ann, Diana, Fiona
The most suitable English names for Gemini men:
Bob, John, Thomas, Dean, Paul, Jack and Brooke
The most suitable English names for Gemini women:
Judy, Doris, Rudy, Amanda, Shirley, Joan, Tracy
The most suitable English names for cancer men:
Kevin, Louis, John, George, Henry and Benjamin
The most suitable English names for cancer women:
Melody, Helen, Debbie, Lisa and Yvonne
The most suitable English names for Gemini men:
Bob, John, Thomas, Dean, Paul, Jack and Brooke
The most suitable English names for Gemini women are
Judy, Doris, Rudy, Amanda, Shirley, Joan and Tracy
The most suitable English names for Leo men are
Robert, Carl, Scott, Tom, Eddy, Kris, Peter
The most suitable English names for Leo women:
Shelly, Mary, Dolly, Nancy, Jane and Barbara
The most suitable English names for Virgo men:
Johnson, Bruce, Robert, Peter, Bill, Joseph, John
The most suitable English names for virgo women:
Shirley, Emily, Sophia, Vivian, Lillian and Joy
The most suitable English names for Libra men:
Burt, Charlie, Elliot, George and Johnson
The most suitable English names for Libra women:
Ross, Julie, Gloria and Carol
The most suitable English names for Scorpio men are
Richard, James, Charles, Bruce and David
The most suitable English names for Scorpio women are
Taylor, Wendy, Grace, Vivian, Caroline, Samantha
The most suitable English names for Sagittarius men:
Nick, Walt, John, Mark, Sam, Davis, Neil, Carl, Lewis, Billy
The most suitable English names for Sagittarius women:
Maria, Kate, Demi, Sunny, Wendy
The most suitable English names for Capricorn men:
Richard, Howard Allen, Johnny, Robert, Martin, Jeff
The most suitable English names for Capricorn women:
Ava, Christina, Judy, Susan, Grace, Alice
The most suitable English names for Aquarius men:
Paul, Sam, Francis, Lewis, Stephen, Andy, Scott
The most suitable English names for Aquarius women:
Joyce, Sally, Margaret, Rebecca, Teresa, Rita, Jessica
The most suitable English names for Pisces men:
Albert, Kevin, Michael, Taylor, Jackson, Jack, Jimmy, Allen, Martin, Vincent
The most suitable English names for Pisces women:
Elizabeth, Kelly, May, Julie, Amanda, Fiona
Clifford Clifford Britain is near a cliff.
Clyde Clydewells can hear you from far away.
Colbert Colbert British crew.
Colby Colby is from a dark area in Norway.
Colin, Colin, Gail, child or baby.
Conrad Teutonic helper, wisdom; A mentor.
Corey Corey is a Scottish person who lives by the lake.
Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius; Royalty
Cornell Cornell French blonde.
Craig Clayton Celt lives on cliffs.
curtis Curtis is polite in France.
Cyril Cyril of the Greek nobility.
Dana Dana Britain is as pure and shining as the sun.
Daniel Daniel, the Hebrew God is my referee.
Darcy Dalcy refers to people from big castles, black people.
Darnell, the Hebrew God of darnell is my referee.
Darren Darren Ireland has the potential to achieve great things.
Dave Dave, the Hebrew lover.
David David's Hebrew lover.
Dean dean English valley; The leader of the school; The leader of the church.
Dempsey Dempsey is a proud and powerful man.
Dennis Dennis is the Greek god of wine.
Derrick, the ruler of the German nation in Dairic.