I'm a boy, and I want a French name that starts with L or F. It would be better if it was similar to my Chinese name. My Chinese name pinyin is Liu Fei.

Fabian Fu Bin, a Roman bean farmer.

Felix fenix is Latin for happiness or luck.

Ferdinand and Ferdinand travel in Teutonic and like adventure; Prosecute/fight for peace

Fitch Fitch, British blonde.

Fitzgerald Fitzgerald, a skilled English archer.

Ford Ford, the ferry of the English River.

Francis Francis Latin freeman, freeman.

Frank, Frank, a free man in France.

Franklin Franklin Latin or German Freeman.

Frederick Friedrich, the ruler of Germany under the peaceful leadership; Powerful and rich.

Ian Ian Scotland embodies the glory of God.

Ingmar is a descendant of Ingmar's aristocratic family.

Ingram England refers to the son of a big bird and is a symbol of wisdom.

Ella Eller, a Hebrew with high alertness; Castrated horses.

Isaac Isaac Hebrew laughter.

Isidore, a gift from the Greek goddess Aeschylus in isidore.

Ivan Ivan, a kind gift from the Russian god.

Ives Elvis refers to the English swordsman.