The first atomic bomb in the United States was called Slim Man, the Soviet Union was called Pumpkin, and the one in China was called

The first atomic bomb that exploded in the world was called Big Boy.

The Manhattan Project in the United States built three atomic bombs in one go, namely Fat Man, Big Boy and Little Boy. Among them, the Fat Man was a plutonium bomb, and the other two were uranium bombs. Before the end of World War II, the United States only had these three nuclear bombs.

Among the three atomic bombs in the United States, the Big Boy was used for nuclear explosion testing, the Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, and the Fat Man was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.

Our country’s atomic bomb project codename is 596.

The first atomic bomb was not officially named. At that time, it was being blackmailed by the US imperialism. Fraud is what the Chinese call it a "victorious bomb."