What is a predicative clause in English? Please, thank you.

1. Concepts and functions Some transitive verbs in English, in addition to an object, also need a complement (indicating the action, identity, characteristics, etc. of the object) to complete the meaning of the sentence. Such verbs mainly include: make, consider, believe, cause, feel, hear, listento, see, find, have, let, call, etc. 2. Detailed explanation of components The components that serve as object complements usually include nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, infinitives, participles (including present participles and past participles), etc. 1. Nouns serve as object complements. Usually used after make, call, name and other verbs. Such as: WemadeWangQiangourteamleader. 2. The adjective serves as an object complement. Usually used after verbs such as keep, paint, get, think, find, make, etc. Such as: Don't get your clothes dirty. 3. Adverbs serve as object complements. Usually used after sensory verbs or causative verbs. Such as: Isawhimoutwithhisfather. 4. Prepositional phrases serve as object complements. Usually used after verbs such as keep and find. Such as: We found everything in the labing good order. 5. The infinitive is used as an object complement. It is divided into infinitives with and without to. For example: ⑴Theyencouragedmetotryagain.⑵LetmeintroduceyoutoMissLi. The difference between the infinitive and the present participle when used as an object complement is that: the former indicates the whole process of a thing or a one-time action; the latter indicates that the object complement is an ongoing or occurring action and has a certain descriptive nature . 6. Present participle and past participle serve as object complements. Used after sensory verbs such as see, hear, feel, and watch, as well as causative verbs such as have and keep. Such as: ⑴Look!Canyouseeaboyrunningtowardsus? ⑵Whenwearrivedthere,wesawtheworkdone. The difference between the present participle as object complement and the past participle as object complement is: using the present participle as object complement indicates that the object is the sender of the action, forming a logical subject-predicate relationship; using the past participle as object complement The participle serves as object complement, indicating that the object is the recipient of the action, forming a logical verb-object relationship. Introduction to Object Complements In English, some transitive verbs have incomplete meaning even after being connected to the object. They also need another sentence component to supplement the meaning, status, etc. of the object, which is called object complement, or object complement for short. For example: IheardJeansingingthismorning. Jean in the sentence is obviously the object. But what the subject I heard was not Jean, but Jeansinging. Singing is the object complement in the sentence. There is a logical subject-predicate relationship between it and the object, that is to say, logically speaking, it is Jean who performed the singing action. The singing in the sentence is the present participle as the object complement. Object complements that can serve as object complements generally include: infinitives, present participles, past participles, adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, etc. In general, the object complement usually follows the object. ======================================= 宾语补足语相关知识一、宾语+宾语补足 The first category of slang forms: 1. Noun (pronoun) + verb infinitive ①Shewantedmetogivehersomemoney. She wanted me to give her some money. ② Tom made Bill stay for tea. Tom made Bill stay for tea. 2. Noun (pronoun) + present participle ①I found the old man lying dead on the road. I found the old man lying dead on the road.

②When he woke up, he found himself being looked after by a kind old woman. When he woke up, he found a kind old woman taking care of him. 3. Noun (pronoun) + past participle ①We saw the road covered with snow. We saw the road covered with snow. ②Many towns and villages had their water supply cut off because there was no electricity. Because there was no electricity, many towns and villages had their water supply cut off. Category 2: 1. Noun (pronoun) + adjective ①I found the boy very clever. I found that the boy was very smart. ②He pushed the door open. He pushed the door open. 2. Noun (pronoun) + noun ①We called it Mimi. We called it Mimi. ②They named thebabyBeibei. They named the baby "Beibei". 3. Noun (pronoun) + prepositional phrase ① She always keeps everything in good order. She always puts everything neatly. ②This left them without aray of hope. This made them lose all hope. 4. Noun (pronoun) + adverb ① He found his teacher out when he was called on him. When he went to visit his teacher, he found that the teacher was not at home. ②Iwon'tletyouin. I won't let you in. 2. The logical relationship between object complements and objects 1. Judging from the fact that the verb infinitives and participles in the first type of sentences are used as object complements, logically they have a subject-predicate relationship with the object before them, in which the present participle represents The ongoing state of an action; the past participle expresses the passive or completed state of the action; the infinitive contains future behavior. 2. Judging from the fact that nouns, adjectives, adverbs and prepositional phrases in the second type of sentences are used as object complements, logically they form a subject relationship with the object before them, and they are used to express the identity, characteristics, status, etc. of the object. . 3. The position of the object complement and others 1. English has a tail-heavy principle. According to this principle, long and complex sentence components should be placed at the end of the sentence, and shorter components should be placed in front of it. Therefore, we often see the object complement placed in front of the direct object. For example: ①The two thieves forced open Room 102, cut through the chain and pushed the table to one side. The two thieves broke open the door of room 102, broke the chain, and pushed the table aside. ②He has proven wrong the forecasts made by the country's lending economic experts. He has proven that the country's major economic predictions are wrong. 2. Is the adjective used as an object complement or an adverbial? There are the following two sentences in the third volume of the junior high school English textbook: ①Don'tfillherpantoofull! ②Holditstraight! Some teachers and students asked whether full and straight in the above sentence are used as object complements. Or as an adverbial? Others say: "Full and straight should be changed to the adverbs fully and straightly." The author believes that full and straight are both used as object complements in the sentence, not as adverbials, so they cannot be changed to the adverb fully. and straightly. Because the difference between object complements and adverbials is that the former is the final state of the object (sentence 1 fills the pan full, sentence 2 holds it straight); while the latter says, "How to fill the pan?" How do you hold it straight?" Another example: ①I saw the window open. I saw the window was open. ②Holdtheladdersteady! Hold the ladder steady! Attachment: 1. Verbs that often take adjectives as object complements include: keep, make, find, etc.

For example: Wemustkeepourclassroomclean. 2. Verbs that often take nouns as object complements include: call, name, make, think, etc. Such as: Wecallthemmooncakes. 3. Verbs that often take the -ing form as object complements include: see, watch, hear, find, keep, etc. Such as: In the country, wecanhearbirdssinging. 4. Verbs that are often followed by prepositional phrases as object complements include: keep, find, leave, etc. For example: Ileftmypenonmydeskathome. 5. Verbs that often take the infinitive of a verb with to as an object complement include: ask, tell, want, teach, wish, etc. Verbs that often take a verb infinitive without to as an object complement include: see ,watch,hear,make,let etc. Such as: Ioftenseehimplayfootball. Sheoftenasksmetohelpher. Note: The infinitive of the verb used as the object complement after help can be with or without to. For example: Ioftenhelpmymother(to)dosomehousework. Usage of object complement /syy/zxyy/200803/6433.html Just look for it on the Internet. Lots and lots of introductions like this.