The glory of the king Sanqi, the glory of the king Sanqi, introduction.

The glory of the king Sanqi, the daughter of the glory of the king Sanqi, said that the glory of the king released the name introduction of a new hero today-Sanqi, what about this new hero? Let's learn about the glory of the king's new hero-Sanchi with Bian Xiao.

Brief introduction of the glory of the king's new hero, Sangqi.

Sangqi introduced.

Hero kernel

"Hope" and "courage" are Archie's heroic background: no matter what danger he meets, the immortal glimmer of him and fireflies can always bring hope and courage to everyone.

Narrative design

In the southwest of Yunlisha, through the maze of stone forests, there is an isolated place-Mingsha Valley. Qi's hometown is here. Naruto people like to listen and collect stories. They live with fireflies and are full of hope and curiosity about the world. In order to bring the new story back to her hometown, Sanchi secretly went to the outside world.

aesthetic design

Archie, who grew up under the care of his firefly ancestors, loves nature and life, and his overall dress is light and loose, consisting of the green of life and the yellow of fireflies. The winged cloak behind him can be slowly unfolded, helping him to quickly cross the Woods and grass.

Game design

Sanchi can use the power of fireflies to achieve what he wants to do: when the enemy appears, fireflies can be commanded by Archie wood blade to provide him with strong help. Archie, who gathers the power of fireflies, not only has the ability to fly, but also can spread places where he hopes to provide shelter for his companions.

Sanchi's story journey is still going on, with Lang Lang Qingfeng as the companion and little firefly as the companion.

Sangqi modeling