There are the same words in the names of Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi, which should be considered taboo. What is the reason? Please help, thank you!

During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the Five-meter Road was very popular, especially in the imperial court. Many officials believe in the five-meter highway. The well-known Tao Yuanming did not bow for the five-meter road. Not that his temperament is noble, noble. At that time, the salary of officials was much higher than that of five meters, but Tao Yuanming didn't want to go with the flow and abandoned his official. He went to "gather chrysanthemums under the east fence", and Wang Xizhi believed in the original road of Wuzhang, and the word Zhi was a long symbol. You will find that the word "Zhi" is not far from Taoist symbols, so many people had the word "Zhi" in their names at that time, so it is understandable that both Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi had the word in their names.