The crown character in the name means auspiciousness. The meaning of the name is extraordinary, refined, knowledgeable, and outstanding in talent and appearance. The pinyin of the word "guan" is guān, guàn. The original meaning of the word "guan" is something shaped like a hat or on the top, which is worn on the head. People call the decorations tied on the head "head clothes", which mainly include crowns, mian, 弁 and 廻. Among them, "crown" is a hat specially worn by nobles. Naming a child with the word "guan" can match the moral naming method. Name the child with words that describe moral qualities such as sincerity, kindness, humility, filial piety, and loyalty, so as to create a noble temperament image. It also means that the child can always control his own moral words and deeds through the name. .