Famous quotes about small things making big things happen

Famous sayings about how small things can lead to big things include:

1. To achieve a big thing, you must start with small things. ——(Soviet Union) Lenin

2. Great achievements all start from bits and pieces. ——(British) Bacon

3. Once we keep paying attention to the small things we can accomplish, we will soon be surprised to find that the things we cannot accomplish are really very small. ——(Britain) Cy Butler

4. Huge buildings are always made of wood and stone. Why don’t we make this wood and stone? I do little bits and pieces from time to time, just for this. ——(China) Lu Xun

5. Doing every simple thing well is not simple, doing every ordinary thing well is extraordinary. ——(China) Zhang Ruimin

6. A person can only solve one limited goal at a time. ——(Australia) Beveridge

7. People who cannot do small things cannot do big things. ——(Russia) Lomonosov

8. Anyone who takes the truth lightly in small matters is also untrustworthy in big matters. —— (USA) Einstein

9. A person who does not pay attention to small things will never succeed in big things. ——(USA) Carnegie