Partial least squares regression is a generalization of multiple linear regression, and these data constraints are not needed.
In partial least squares regression, the prediction equation will be described by the factors extracted from the matrix Y'XX'Y; In order to be more representative, the number of extracted prediction equations can be greater than the maximum number of variables X and Y.
In short, partial least squares regression may be the least constrained method among all multivariate correction methods, which makes it suitable for many occasions where traditional multivariate correction methods are not applicable, such as when some observed data are less than predicted variables. Moreover, partial least squares regression can be used as an exploratory analysis tool. Before using the traditional linear regression model, predict the appropriate number of variables and remove noise interference.
As a multiple linear regression method, the main purpose of partial least squares regression is to establish a linear model: Y=XB+E, where y is a response matrix with m variables and n sample points, x is a prediction matrix with p variables and n sample points, b is a regression coefficient matrix, and e is a noise correction model, which has the same dimension as y. Generally, variables x and y are standardized before calculation.
Simply put, PLS is a prediction method, and the obtained value is the predicted value obtained by this method.