Leonard Ferdinand Dominic broderick Randolph Clifford Theodore Fitzgerald Edmund Douglas Lawrence Blake
Broderick, the famous Scandinavian king of Bradrick.
Clifford Clifford A fork in the road near the cliff in England, a fortress.
Dominic, Minnich and Latin belong to God.
Douglas Douglas Gail is from the Black Sea; Dark gray.
Edmund Edmund, Britain's wealthy protector.
Ferdinand Ferdinand traveled in the south of Teutonic and liked adventure; Seek peace.
Fitzgerald Fitzgerald is a skilled English archer.
Lawrence Lawrence Latin laurel.
Leonard Leonard Teutonic is as strong as a lion.
Randolph Randolph English wolf advice or wolf information.
This is ... the real name is too long ... I think it means that if you don't like anything else, you can modify it yourself ~
I hope you like it =)