Have you ever experienced strange things with dolls or dolls?

Yes, my friend has loved dolls since she was a child, and her family bought many of them. She likes to name the dolls because she is an only child. She has called her dolls her younger siblings since she was a little girl. She loves them very much and enjoys playing "house" with them. For example, holding one in each hand and talking to each other, or talking to the doll herself or something like that. Later, when she grew up, she still retained this. For example, when she went home and wrote a paper, she would look up and see the dolls and say a few words to them. The little girl acted without any thought. Then one day, she discovered that her doll could respond to her on its own. But they didn’t say anything special, they were just words that would sound “boring” to us ordinary people. For example, she would call her, and sometimes she would tell her whether certain clothes looked good or not, and the doll would say, this one is ugly, or that one looks good. There are also the usual greetings. That's it. Very strange. And the doll has been saying it for many years, and nothing bad has happened. The dolls clearly meant no harm either. It's quite funny sometimes. The voice and behavior are not scary at all. I don't know what's going on.