Call of duty name symbol encyclopedia nice game names with symbols.

1. ぁ⿬ㄑぜぜぜӡ

3. Desert island has a fleeting time

4. Dream

5. Qingfeng is not drunk

6. ~ su xiaomo

13, only n ι⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴⏴92 ぜぜぜぜぜソぜぜぜぜぜぜぜぜぜぜぜぜぜぜ

24, shallow holding 𞝩ぜぜ As if √ a lifetime ago

35, a lonely corner

36, a lack of oxygen

37, a lingering regret

38, a flight against the sky

39, and an angel
