In the year of Wuxu, it is Dingsi hour on the fifth day of the fifth month of the year of Wuxu; there are four earth, three fire, one wood, 0 gold and 0 water; it is consistent with your measurement; the yen is too strong, and the Yin wood and Yi soil are the evil gods and cannot be balanced. Bazi; there is a saying in the horoscope, if the horoscope is too prosperous, you need to follow it, that is, you cannot use restraint, punishment, to supplement, nor can you use aid, life to help. The best way is to vent, so it is best to carry gold in the horoscope. Metal is associated with metal, and metal generates water, so the horoscope is relatively complete; however, the name cannot contain earth, as earth can overpower metal, which is inappropriate. ------Note: Those whose horoscope is too prosperous should vent, and should not restrain, punish, or help (the horoscope is too prosperous) , cannot use Ji Shen)