"Three Tong Ming Hui" Meridian Double Package
The son is the emperor's seat, the noon is the end door, and the emperor is in the position. Life is either two sons and two afternoons, or two sons and one son, or two sons and one son. There is a way to combine fire and water, and the chance for the sun to survive in the dark is expensive.
Such as Renwu, Renzi, Wuwu, Renzi, two sons in two lunchboxes; Hippo Chef, Guichou, Wuwu, Hippo Chef, Jiazi, Wu Geng, Shen Bing, Wuzi, Wuwu, Ding Wei and Gengzi all have lunch; Wu Wu, Jia Zi, Shen Jia, Wu Geng, Wu Jia, Ren Shen, Jia Zi and Wu Geng are all steamed stuffed buns. Your whole life.
Double meridian package means that all four branches in Guangxi are at noon, or at noon, or at noon, or at noon, and everything in this box is expensive.