Words meaning "see"

1. Glancing: To glance at someone. phonogram. The word follows the eye and the ticket, and the ticket also sounds. "ticket" means "pass" or "flick". "Eye" and "ticket" combine to mean "sweeping the eyes briskly".

2. Look: look, look into the distance: overlook. Gaze. Overlook. Looking into the distance. Misaligned eyes, squinting.

3. Aim: It is a Chinese word that describes eyes to gaze quickly and see quickly.

4. See: verb, meaning to observe, understand, understand.

5. Stare: open your eyes hard (open your eyes in a daze), look at someone angrily (glare): He glared hard at the talkative person.

6. Observation: means to observe carefully with purpose,

7. Look: means to look with eyes. The difference from looking is that gu means looking squinting, and the scope of looking is wider.

8. Look, point to the distance and look high.

9. Look: look carefully.

10. 绻: The word means to hate or glare; or to look at.