Suggest how to read in English.

Suggested English is recommended. The recommended phonetic symbol is rek? Menden.

Suggested bilingual examples are as follows:

1, W3C recommendation standards give the specification of Extensible Style Sheet Language Format Object (XSL-FO), which defines many XML tags and describes how to present content.

The object specification in XSL format is a W3C recommendation standard, commonly called XSL-FO. XSL-FO defines many XML tags that describe how to display content.

I got the job because of your recommendation. I got the job on your recommendation.

At the doctor's suggestion, I had an operation. I operated on the doctor's advice.

The following is my favorite CD recommendation list. This is the list of CDs that I think are most recommended.

We chose this hotel on their recommendation. We chose this hotel on their recommendation.