Zhumadian parents named their child Chenpihua Meitang using the family name. Does this name comply with the regulations?

The parents in Zhumadian named their child Chen Pi Hua Mei Tang after the whole family. This incident also attracted the attention of many people. You must know that for some of Lu Xun’s parents, it was also very special. Young, so this young mentality also leads to all kinds of other things that happen to this child, which can be said to be very outrageous. In fact, this name is indeed in compliance with the regulations. But it doesn’t meet people’s imagination.

According to relevant media reports, a pair of parents in Zhumadian named their child Chen Pi Hua Mei Tang after their entire family. Such an incident must have been posted online and discussed by many netizens. Some Netizens think that for today's series of parents born after 2000, it is also very outrageous. Not only in terms of names or how they treat themselves, the attitude of their children is also very funny, so I hope that today's parents Parents of a series of families or equipment should also pay more attention to the treatment of their children.

I hope that people will find this matter funny but also have some imagination, especially for this child who must be very sensitive in his heart. If everyone is criticized because of this name, attention, or being complained about by everyone, it may affect your childhood, and it is also a psychological shadow event for you, so I also hope that some parents will make some choices for their children in the process of choosing their children’s names. When doing things, you should also consider the psychological condition of your children, which is also very important.

If you suffered a series of discrimination in childhood, or suffered a series of other situations, it may be a life-long thing for you, so I also hope that some parents will choose the name. During the process, you must pay attention to whether these names sound nice or are not so outrageous. After all, it is also very annoying to have your children encounter some unknown events during childhood or school.